KNKS Collaborates with 5 Universities and LIPI
16 May 2019

JAKARTA – The National Islamic Finance Committee (KNKS) signed Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) with 5 Universities and Indonesia Institute of Sciences (LIPI) at Djuanedi Hadisumarto Room, The Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) Office, in the launching event of The Masterplan for Indonesian Islamic Economy 2019-2024.

On Tuesday (14/05/19), the MoUs were signed by the Rectors of each university, Head of LIPI, and Executive Director of KNKS that were witnessed directly by the President of the Republic Indonesia, Jokowi.

The signing of MoUs were carried out by KNKS and universities that have Islamic/sharia economics as one of their study programs. The 5 Universities are IPB University, STEI Tazkia, University of Airlangga, University of Indonesia, and UIN Ar-Raniry. These MoUs were signed as a framework of cooperation in the development of education, research, and community service in the field of Islamic economy and halal industry.

The other MoU was carried out by KNKS and LIPI in the context of national Islamic economy research and development.

“The next step to be taken after the signing of these MoUs is to prepare a pilot project program. It is expected that the Masterplan for Indonesian Islamic Economy 2019-2024 can be a guideline to realize the common goals of Islamic economy development in those educational institutions.” said Sutan Emir, the Director of Islamic Financial Education and Research of KNKS.

Sutan Emir said that, the establishment of the MoUs between KNKS and the 5 Universities and also LIPI, is expected to help KNKS to carry out its link and match function especially in the areas of education, research, and community service related to the Islamic economy and halal industry.


Reporter: Annissa Permata

Chief Editor: Achmad Iqbal

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