Komite Nasional Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah
Islamic Bank Digital Transformation Efforts with Finastra
11 August 2023

Jakarta, KNEKS -  The National Committee for Sharia Economy and Finance (KNEKS) held a discussion with Finastra, a Global Financial Software Company related to the digital transformation of Islamic Financial Institutions in Indonesia which took place on Wednesday (9/8) at the KNEKS Office Djuanda II Building, 17th Floor.

This agenda was attended by representatives from Finastra, Samir Safa as Strategic Advisory Practice, Global Industry Leader. From KNEKS, Sutan Emir Hidayat as Director of Sharia Infrastructure and Ecosystem of KNEKS was present, and Ginanjar Dewandaru as Head of Sharia Economic Research Division.

In the discussion, Samir Safa said that his party was very enthusiastic to enlarge digitalization in helping Islamic banks in Indonesia to be motivated in developing a modern technology-based Islamic financial ecosystem.  

He also touched on three important things that must be considered, "We need to build public awareness while still paying attention with sharia compliance, and in line with the applicable regulatory system."

Sutan Emir said KNEKS welcomed the purpose of his visit and hoped that this could help strengthen the Islamic financial ecosystem in Indonesia. Ginanjar Dewandaru also expressed his approval of the idea. 

"In Indonesia, there is still no digital transformation strategy available for Islamic banks, therefore related instruments are needed in order to compete in the market," he said.

It is expected that KNEKS can help Finastra in channeling the provision of software application features for the digital transformation of Islamic banks in Indonesia.

Penulis: Nurul Aini, Ishmah Qurratu'ain
Redaktur Pelaksana: Inza Putra

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