International Conference - The 13th ICIEF 2021 and The 7th IIMEFC 2021
25 February 2021

The 13th International Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance & The 7th International Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance Conference 
"Strengthening Islamic Economy and Financial System In The Post Pandemic Era, Digitalization, and Sustainability" 

Organized by KNEKS, IPB University, IRTI, IAIE, BAZNAS, IAEI
October, 25th - 27th 2021

The sub themes of the conference cover but not limited to the followings: 

1. New normal, Digital Transformation, and Islamic Economy
2. Halal Economy for Organic Growth Towards Global Value Chain
3. Islamic Social Finance and Innovations for Productive Economy and Poverty Alleviation
4. Islamic Financial Development and Breakthrough Innovations
5. Risk Sharing Economy for Stability and Resiliency
6. Islamic Entrepreneurship, MSMEs, and Startups in Smart Economy
7. Islamic Economy and Sustainability
8. Green Economy, Circular Economy, Business, and Clean Technologies
9. Institutions and Islamic Economy
10. Global Talent Development for the Digital Age in Multi-Sectors of Islamic Economy 

Registration and Submission: March 1, 2021
Deadline for Submission of Final Papers: August 1, 2021
Acceptance Notification of Accepted Papers: September 25, 2021
Conference Dates: October 25 - 27, 2021


1. Keywords for the article 2 - 4 keywords are sufficient
2. JEL Classifications 2 - 4
3. Only full papers along with the abstracts, maximum 10.000 words, should be submitted and follow a scientific approach, which include but not limited to:
  I. Title: The title of the article should be no more than 12 words
  II. Introduction
III. Literature Review
IV. Methodology
  V. Results and Analysis
VI. Conclusion and Recommendation 

1. JIMF (Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance) with rewards
2. Islamic Economic Studies
3. Review of Islamic Economics, Al-Muzara'ah
4. IJAZ (International Journal of Zakat) with rewards 

Link to be announced later 

Free Registration Fee 

There will be best paper awards with prize
Papers accepted for publication in JIMF (Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance) and IJAZ (International Journal of Zakat) will be awarded with prize money



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