Komite Nasional Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah
W. Java Government Cooperates with KNKS to Map-Out Policies on Sharia Economy
12 July 2019

Jakarta - A team led by the Regional Development Planning Agency of West Java visited the KNKS office on Tuesday, June 18. The visit was in the context of regional policy-making in West Java to push sharia economy as the province's new source of economic growth and its implementation on development planning.

"The current West Java administration envisions the realization of the concept 'Jawa Barat Juara Lahir Batin dengan Inovasi dan Kolaborasi,'" Sri said. She further explained that as part to realize "Juara Lahir Batin,' the province sought to champions the development of Islamic economy and finance by improving the productivity and competitiveness for a fair and prosperous society.

"To realize the vision, West Java Government came up with a Roadmap for the Development of Islamic Economy as West Java's Source of Economic Growth," Sri also said.

In the occasion, KNKS suggested a few recommendations to make Islamic economy the new source of growth in West Java.

"The Roadmap for the Development of Islamic Economy of West Java could synergize with the recently launched Indonesia Islamic Economy Masterplan to bring Indonesia to the center of global sharia economy growth," said Ni Putu Desinthya, Head of KNKS Islamic Economy and Halal Industry Development Division.

Reporter: Ishmah Qurratu’ain

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